Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Oreqo Services brings together all the elements of a comprehensive wealth management plan, including investments, taxes, real estate, and corporate trusts, and serves as a roadmap to ensure you reach your long-term goals.
For example, if you are considering early retirement, a financial plan can help you determine how much you can save each year, the return on investment you need, and the total net worth you need to maintain your desired lifestyle in retirement.
Oreqo Services range from financial planning and capital investment to tax planning and yield preparation, real estate planning, retirement planning, and more. Whatever your financial situation, our advisors are professionally equipped to manage your finances and help you achieve financial freedom.
Learn how we customize our plans based on your specific needs.
Investing your life savings is a serious business. We believe that investment is a means to an end and that everything starts with a financial plan. We believe that quality financial planning services are a prerequisite for a successful investment experience. Our factor-based investment philosophy is grounded in scientific research.
From basic estate planning basics to complex assets (business), complex family situations (you and your spouse have children from a previous marriage), and other situations (special needs and medical problems), our estates work with Planning Strategists and Advisors to help prepare for countless life scenarios.
If you’re working with a tax professional to prepare your taxes, or if you’re filing your taxes, take a moment to reflect on the past year and how it’s impacted your finances. Oreqo Services takes a proactive approach to tax planning, helping you better understand your future tax situation and how the decisions you make today will affect your future wealth.
A comprehensive approach to retirement planning includes tax planning, investment management, real estate planning, and more. Our team of experts analyzes and develops strategies to help you set and achieve your retirement goals.
Higher education is expensive. If you’re looking to help pay for college for your children or loved ones, financial planning can help.
A financial planner can help you budget and spend according to your financial situation. The exact services provided by a financial planner will vary from person to person. Make sure your financial advisor offers a service that fits your needs.
We listen to your unique situation to determine your financial goals and consider all your wealth management needs, from lifestyle and retirement to endowments and estates. Create and analyze your balance sheet including net worth, cash flow projections, savings, budgeting, and more. Manage investments, income tax, pensions, real estate plans, and children’s education plans, and show how they work together to help you achieve financial freedom. Identify potential risks for you and your loved ones to preserve more wealth and worry less about the financial future of you or your family.

Looking for something more?
Oreqo is used to offer tailored service packages, so please contact us, we can certainly help!